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Total Cost of Ownership Calculator for Marshalling

This worksheet will help you compare the potential benefits of using MTL SUM5 Smart Universal Marshalling solution compared to traditional marshalling solutions.

Based on the information provided on your specific marshalling application, the tool will display capital and operating expenditure, including a breakdown of the marshalling cabinet costs.

  1. Input your information by typing in details or selecting from the drop down menu in the green boxes.
  2. If clarification is needed, roll your mouse over the text to see if a pop-up help box appears.
  3. Once you define your requirements, your results will be calculated and displayed
  4. To have a printable PDF of your calculation, complete the "Create my report" form and click "Submit".

Want to try different scenarios? Go back to the previous sections to determine what works best for your operation.

Start your configuration

Cabinet information
Customer/project name will help you manage the comparisons calculated and you can select the currency to use for the comparison. Information on where the marshalling cabinets will be built and the end user location are used to select appropriate labour rates or you can enter your own labour rates by selecting the custom option. Cabinet wiring time and design information can be entered or use the default values to calculate the savings.

Date   Customer/Project Name
Enter your company and project name for the comparison.
Select the currency you want to use for the comparison from the drop down menu.
Cabinet build and end user locations   Labour Rates Currency/hour  
Location Assembly/Documentation Engineering
Cabinet build work
Choose the location where the cabinet is beiing built. The costs are derived from various sources. If you want to enter your own costs, choose "Custom".

Click this cell, and select a region/country from the drop down list.
Choose the location in the green cell on the left.
Choose the location in the green cell on the left.
End User facility
Choose the location where the cabinets will be installed. The commissioning and lifetime maintenance costs will be calculated for this country. The costs are derived from various sources. If you want to enter your own costs, choose "Custom".

Click this cell, and select a region/country from the drop down list.
Choose the location in the green cell on the left.
Choose the location in the green cell on the left.
Choose whether this is onshore or offshore. This is important in order to determine the costs of weight and space, which are more costly in offshore applications.

Click this cell, and select a value from the drop down list, appearing when you click the arrow on the right of the cell.
This will be enabled when you choose "Custom" in the location above. Custom Cabinet Build
You can enter a value here in your selected currency when you choose "Custom" as the location.
You can enter a value here in your selected currency when you choose "Custom" as the location.
This will will be enabled when you choose "Custom" in the location above. Custom End User Facility
You can enter a value here in your selected currency when you choose "Custom" as the location.
YYou can enter a value here in your selected currency when you choose "Custom" as the location.
Cabinet wiring
Time/wire connection (minutes)
How much time is required per terminal connection? Enter value in minutes. A typical figure would be '6'.
Cabinet design information      
Maximum cabinet loading percentage
What percentage of the total cabinet space can be allocated to equipment? The remaining balance of space will be left empty for future expansion.
You can have a maximum of 8 carriers per column in a 2m high cabinet.
Columns/cabinet side
You can have a maximum of 3 columns per cabinet side.
Cabinet sides
Select single or double sided cabinet.
Generally double sided.
Total channels/cabinet
This value will be calculated based on above input.
  Configuration module
The configuration module is used to program advanced functions such as the type of input on a DI, for example "NAMUR input", "dry contact", or "Voltage input".
It is also used for diagnostics and common relays, which can be used for alarms.

* You can choose not to use such a module.
This will represent lowest cost, and configuration of the I/O modules will be done via push button on each I/O module.
Advanced programming functions will however not be available, and all modules will be used with standard settings, which fit most applications.
* You can use one module per cabinet (i.e. you move it around for configuration).
This is a low cost option, and allows you to use advanced programming functions when needed.
* You can use one module per carrier (i.e. one module will be mounted on each carrier).
This allows you to use it for advanced programming, diagnostics and custom alarming.
The downside is that the costs are multiplied with the number of carriers in use.
IO types and product lifetime

Enter the number of IO of each type for Intrinsically Safe (IS) and General Purpose marshalling in the isolation column where this is required or in the passthrough column when isolation is not required. If surge protection is required, enter the number of channels requiring surge protection each IO type. Additionally you can define the product lifetime. This will allow both a MTL SUM5 and traditional marshalling cabinet designs to be assessed and a cost comparison to be provided.
IO component mix        
  . Passthrough Isolation Total channels Surge
Intrinsic Safety
Passthrough modules are not permitted for intrinsically safe applications.
Calculated total. Do not modify this cell.
Calculated total. Do not modify this cell.
Calculated totol. Do not modify this cell.
Passthrough modules are not permitted for intrinsically safe applications.
Enter the number of intrinsically safe AI loops
Calculated total. Do not modify this cell.
Enter the number of AI loops that require surge protection at the isolator module
Passthrough modules are not permitted for intrinsically safe applications.
Enter the number of intrinsically safe AO loops
Calculated total. Do not modify this cell.
Enter the number of AO loops that require surge protection at the isolator module
Passthrough modules are not permitted for intrinsically safe applications.
Enter the number of intrinsically safe DI loops
Calculated total. Do not modify this cell.
Enter the number of DI loops that require surge protection at the isolator module
Passthrough modules are not permitted for intrinsically safe applications.
Enter the number of intrinsically safe DO loops
Calculated total. Do not modify this cell.
Enter the number of DO loops that require surge protection at the isolator module
IS DO relay
Passthrough modules are not permitted for intrinsically safe applications.
Enter the number of intrinsically safe DO loops requiring a relay to the field
Calculated total. Do not modify this cell.
Enter the number of DO relay loops that require surge protection at the isolator module
General Purpose
Calculated total. Do not modify this cell.
Calculated total. Do not modify this cell.
Calculated total. Do not modify this cell.
Calculated total. Do not modify this cell.
Enter the number of general purpose (i.e. not intrinsically safe) AI loops which do not require a conditioning module.
These signals will be fed directly to the DCS AI module using a "bypass module".
Enter the number of general purpose (i.e. not intrinsically safe) AI loops which require a conditioning module.
Signal conditioning provides galvanic isolation, and allows you to transpose input/output values, e.g. from 4-20mA to 0-5V.
Calculated total. Do not modify this cell.
Enter the number of general purpose (i.e. non intrinsicall safe) AI loops that require surge protection.
This figure includes loops with conditioning and bypass modules.
If in doubt, use the figure shown in the grey "Total channels" cell to the left.
Enter the number of general purpose (i.e. not intrinsically safe) AO loops which do not require a conditioning module.
These signals will be fed directly to the DCS AO module using a "bypass module".
Enter the number of general purpose (i.e. not intrinsically safe) AO loops which require a conditioning module.
Signal conditioning provides galvanic isolation, and allows you to transpose input/output values, e.g. from 4-20mA to 0-5V.
Calculated total. Do not modify this cell.
Enter the number of general purpose (i.e. non intrinsicall safe) AO loops that require surge protection.
This figure includes loops with conditioning and bypass modules.
If in doubt, use the figure shown in the grey "Total channels" cell to the left.
Enter the number of general purpose (i.e. not intrinsically safe) DI loops which do not require a conditioning module.
These signals will be fed directly to the DCS DI module using a "bypass module".
Enter the number of general purpose (i.e. not intrinsically safe) DI loops which require a conditioning module.
Signal conditioning provides galvanic isolation, and allows you to program different input types, such as "NAMUR", "dry contact", or "voltage input".
Calculated total. Do not modify this cell.
Enter the number of general purpose (i.e. non intrinsicall safe) DI loops that require surge protection.
This figure includes loops with conditioning and bypass modules.
If in doubt, use the figure shown in the grey "Total channels" cell to the left.
Enter the number of general purpose (i.e. not intrinsically safe) DO loops which do not require a conditioning module.
These signals will be fed directly to the DCS DO module using a "bypass module".
Enter the number of general purpose (i.e. not intrinsically safe) DO loops which require a conditioning module.
Signal conditioning provides galvanic isolation, and allows you to program advanced functions.
Calculated total. Do not modify this cell.
Enter the number of general purpose (i.e. non intrinsicall safe) DO loops that require surge protection.
This figure includes loops with conditioning and bypass modules.
If in doubt, use the figure shown in the grey "Total channels" cell to the left.
GP DI/DO relay
Enter the number of general purpose (i.e. not intrinsically safe) DI or DO loops which do not require a conditioning module.
These signals will be connected to the DCS DI/DO module using a relay.
Enter the number of general purpose (i.e. not intrinsically safe) DI or DO loops which require a conditioning module and a relay at the field side.
Signal conditioning provides galvanic isolation, and allows you to program advanced functions.
Calculated total. Do not modify this cell.
Enter the number of general purpose (i.e. non intrinsicall safe) DI/DO relay loops that require surge protection.
This figure includes loops with conditioning and bypass modules.
As relays segregate I/O modules from field side, surge protection on such modules is probably not crucial.
  Product lifetime - years
The annual maintenance costs are calculated and multiped by the product lifetime to calculate the total costs of ownership. See TCO sheet.

Click on green arrow to download Chart image

Calculate Savings
These values provide a comparison between a traditional and MTL SUM5 marshalling solution.
This compares Marshalling Cabinet Costs and Site Costs providing the difference in Capital Costs as well as a comparison of the lifetime costs.
MTL SUM5™ Smart Universal Marshalling - ROI results    
Cabinet build location
End User location
I/O mix Total Channels Surge Channels  
Total includes IS relay channels Intrinsic Safety
Intrinsic Safety Relay
Total includes GP relay channels General Purpose
General Purpose Relay
  Saving % Saving
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Display with currency symbol
Capital Costs
Text Box: Traditional Text Box: MTL SUM5
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