Swap your old UPS for a new UPS from Eaton and get exclusive benefits.

Your old UPS can fail, cause disruption and leave you in the dark. But with a new Eaton UPS, you get revitalised power and enhanced protection to keep your business running.

Explore the Eaton Trade In!

We make it easy for you to replace of your old UPS, regardless of brand, with a new Eaton UPS!

To uptake the opportunity, review the conditions of the campaign below:

  • Upgrade to a UPS of equivalent or higher power than the old one.
  • Secure the discount of 15% discount* (or an additional 2%* for IT Channel Partner Programme members) on the value of the UPS in the marked models.
  • And as a true team, we can support with the collection and correct disposal of your old equipment (selected on the form).

  • Complete the form to start your Eaton Trade In.

    **Promotion and discount cannot be combined with other offers and/or special prices T&Cs